Ikandi Bundles Now Accepts Pre-Orders

*To pre-order your order must be paid in Full*


Every Monday customers will be able to pre-order custom lengths and textures from Ikandi’s website. To pre-order an item, place your order the same way you would a normal order. You will be placed on a back-order list for the product. You will be notified when the item is stocked and when you order has been dispatched. pre-orders are the best way for customers to get their product of choice. The pre order option is ideal for customers want a particular texture or length that is not currently in stock. All pre-orders must be requested on Monday by 10pm Central Time. If there is a texture or length you want that isn’t shown on our page, please email us at ikandibundles@gmail.com


For pre-order customs lengths or textures Email ikandibundles@gmail.com.

Pre-Order require 3-5 days processing time which doesn’t include shipping time.